Print ISSN:   2545-5176
Online ISSN: 2714-5018
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Submissions are open for Volume 7, Number 3 - September 2021

Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science (JAEES) is an international peer-reviewed, open access, electronic, online journal published quarterly.

Online Submission Call for papers

Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science

Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science (JAEES) is a quality publication of peer reviewed and refereed international journal from diverse fields in agriculture, economics, sciences, and technologies that emphasize new research, development and their applications.

JAEES provides an open access forum for scientists, scholars and researchers to exchange their research works, technical notes & surveying results among professionals through out the world in e-journals publications.

Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published conference/journal papers are all welcomed. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability.

Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published conference/journal papers are all welcomed. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance and readability.

JAEES ensures a wide indexing policy to make published papers highly visible to the scientific community. JAEES is part of the eco-friendly community and favors e-publication mode for being an online 'GREEN journal'.

JAEES reviews and publishes:

  • Research Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Analytical papers
  • Review Articles
  • Argumentative papers
  • Survey research and data analysis

Call for papers

We invite you to submit high quality papers for review and possible publication in all areas of Agriculture, Economics, Extension, Science and Technology. All authors must agree on the content of the manuscript and its submission for publication in this journal before it is submitted to us. Manuscripts should be submitted via online submission or email to submissions@jaees.org

Volume / Issue / Month Initial Submission Window
Volume 7, Number 3, September 2021 22nd July, 2021 to 20th September, 2021

Publication aim & scope

The aim and scope of JAEES is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Agriculture, Economics, Extension, Science and Technology. Original theoretical works and application-based studies, which contribute to a better understanding of the disciplines and technological challenges, are encouraged.

Research paper publishing policy

JAEES publishes articles that emphasize research, development and application within the AFORE-MENTIONED DISCIPLINES. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editorial review committee. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies. We attempt our best to assess every composition for its uniqueness; still, if in future any composition is considered as breaking the copyright, it would be uprooted from JAEES.

Open access model

Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science (JAEES) follows Open Access as a publishing model. This model provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full text of research articles without requiring a subscription to the articles published in this journal. In this model, the publication costs are covered by the Author / Author's Institution or Research Funds. Published material is freely available to all interested online readers. At the same time, authors who publish in JAEES retain the copyright of their articles.

Call for reviewers

JAEES welcomes scholars those are interested in serving as volunteer reviewers. Reviewers should indicate interest by sending their full curriculum vitae to us. Since they are expected to be experts in their areas, they should comment on the significance of the reviewed manuscript and whether the research contributes to knowledge and advances both theory and practice in the area. Interested reviewers are requested to submit their CV and a brief summary of specific expertise and interests at editorialboard@jaees.org